Source: Flickr gregraisman

Tonight, the Mountain View City Council adopted the FY2014-15 Budget and Capital Improvement Program. In addition to the projects underway, the budget includes several projects aimed at improving the bicycle and pedestrian experience. Great Streets Mountain View met with City staff and City Councilmembers and, spoke at City Council, Bicycle and Pedestrian Advisory Committee, Parks and Recreation Commission, and Environmental Planning Commission meetings to push for bike and pedestrian projects. Thanks to all of you who also spoke or emailed and lent your support! Please see the list of projects funded for the coming year.

Mobility Coordinator Position
Funding: $150,000
Provides funding for a new Mobility Coordinator position. This is intended to be a two-year, limited-term position to focus on furthering the Council goal of Improve Bicycle and Pedestrian Mobility. This new position would provide expertise in developing policies, guidelines, and projects; support the B/PAC; and provide input on private development projects. It will also free up some staff resources in Traffic Engineering and Transportation to focus on other priorities.

Associate Civil Engineer—Traffic
Funding: $110,500
Provides funding for an Associate Civil Engineer position to support the increased workload in the Traffic Section due to the high levels of private development activity.

Permanente Creek Trail, Rock Street to West Middlefield Road, Design
Funding: $370,000
Extension of the Permanente Creek Trail from its terminus at Rock Street to West Middlefield Road.

Permanente Creek Trail Extension – West Middlefield Rd to McKelvey Park, Feasibility Study
Funding: $55,000
Feasibility study to extend the Permanente Creek Trail from West Middlefield Road to McKelvey Park.

Permanente Creek Trail – Amphitheatre Parkway Crossing, Construction
Funding: $1,265,000
Construct improvements to the existing Trail under-crossing at Amphitheatre Parkway.

Modifications to Grant/Phyllis/Martens Intersection
Funding: $897,000
Pedestrian improvements including shortened pedestrian crossing distances, elimination of free right-turn lanes to reduce vehicle speeds, and replacement of an aging traffic signal with a new signal with a dedicated left-turn movement.

Shoreline Boulevard Pathway (Villa St to Wright Ave), Design
Funding: $280,000
Design of pathway and connection improvements for bicycles and pedestrians along Shoreline Boulevard between Villa Street and Wright Avenue.

Green Bike Lane Pilot Project
Funding: $65,000
This pilot project will improve bike safety through the application of green paint to bike lanes in select areas to be determined.

Dana Street Reconstruction
Funding: $374,000
Additional funding for the existing West Dana Street reconstruction project to provide a safe pedestrian route to Mariposa Park from the adjacent neighborhood. Additional outside design services are required.

Additional projects to be undertaken by the Mountain View City Staff

  • Feasibility study for safer bike lanes on Shoreline Blvd from El Camino Real to Wright Ave with the possibility of reducing lanes from six to four to improve  the bicyclist and pedestrian experience
  • Feasibility study of an east-west trail with the first option to be studied being the Caltrain Corridor
  • Study greater access to bulk transit passes for residents
  • Study a city-wide community shuttle
  • Library Bike Stop, including a bike fix-it service station