CA&MVThis week we met with Jacqueline Solomon, Mountain View’s Deputy Public Works Director, and got an update on the bicycle and pedestrian related projects that were approved in the 2013-2014 Capital Improvement Program. To keep up with the progress on these projects as well as future projects, please sign-up for the GSMV Newsletter or Like our Facebook Page.

California Street / Escuela Avenue Study
Funding: $250,000
The study of California Street and Escuela Avenue will focus on improvements to the bicycle and pedestrian environment across and along California Street, including elimination or narrowing of vehicle lanes, increased areas for bicyclists, curb bulbs to reduce crossing width for pedestrians, and improved lighting and signage. The City is in the process of selecting a consultant for the project and they expect the study to begin in June and will span 12-18 months. They plan to conduct community meetings to gather input.

Shoreline Boulevard Crosswalk Improvements
Funding: $150,000
The City plans to install flashing beacon lights on South Shoreline at High School Way, Mercy Street, and Dana Street. Plans will be presented to the City Council for review on May 20th.

Downtown Bike Racks
Funding: $50,000
The City has sent the project out for bids and is expecting the bike racks to be installed in May or June. GSMV’s Wendee Crofoot has been the driving force on this project and we’re expecting her to make great use of these when they appear.

Castro Street Modifications by Graham Middle School
Funding: $950,000
The modification to Castro Street will improve pedestrian and bicycle safety by reducing vehicle lanes from two to one in each direction, add bicycle lanes, install curb bulb-outs at intersections, add high-visibility crosswalks with in-roadway warning lights at two crosswalks, and eliminate the free right turn from Castro Street to Miramonte Avenue. This project was funded in part by a $840,000 grant from VERBS (Vehicle Emissions Reductions By Schools). The City will be planning a community meeting in the summer or fall to get feedback on the plans and will seek approval from the City Council later this year. If approved, the City expects to build the project in the summer of 2015.

Bicycle Transportation Plan
Funding: $200,000
The Bicycle Transportation Plan will set forth a coordinated plan for bicycle transportation in Mountain View (including existence and location of bike boulevards, protected or buffered bike lanes, and green bike lanes). The planning process kicked off last week and it is being headed up by Linda Forsberg, Transportation and Business Manager. The City will have a website to invite online feedback and will be conducting several community meetings.